Monday, July 5, 2021

I have something more to tell you about 'I have something to tell you'

I enjoyed this book way more than I expected to. I wrote about it here, before I finished the first chapter. It also gave me a new way of describing a book I enjoyed - "it kept me on the treadmill". I read while working out. I aim to do 4 miles a day, 5 days a week. I do not enjoy it. I do it for my health. If I have a good book to read that will ensure that I don't look for reasons to skip, or shorten, my workout. This was one of those books, in fact I frequently went beyond the 4 mile mark just to get to the end of a chapter. I couldn't wait to get back to it.

I love Chasten's writing style, it is honest and humorous. I also got some insight into how very painful it must be to be openly gay amidst the awful prejudice and hatred that appears to be growing rather than diminishing. And possibly even more difficult to not be open and deny who you really are. He recounted what was clearly a painful time as a teenager without self pity and with no blame. Through it all, his achievements are impressive.

The idea that someone might not be 'gay enough' reminded me of the exposure I had to the trans community in the Bay Area when my then boyfriend told me he wanted to become my girlfriend. (Read here). I frequently heard him say that other members of the support group we attended were somehow not as truly trans as (s)he was. I am surprised that anyone with similar difficult experiences would be less than supportive. 

I was fascinated by his experience supporting his husband in the presidential primaries. He managed to give a very clear insight into how grueling life in politics is. In particular he described so perfectly the balance of disappointment and relief when finally pulling out of the race. I always wondered how that would feel; I know that I was very disappointed when Peter threw in the towel.

Chasten clearly has only touched on the surface of his talents and I am looking forward to seeing what he does in the future. I was disappointed when I came to the end of the book and wait impatiently for the next installment. I am quite sure that Chasten and Peter are destined for an interesting future and I do hope they find the time to start their family.

I highly recommend this book.

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